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Workers Compensation

Attorney Freeman is partnering up with Attorney Alex Malich from the Pittsburgh area.
Attorney Freeman and Attorney Malich together have over 60 years of experience as lawyers.


Attorney Malich 

Attorney Malich alone has over 30 years of experience in the area worker’s compensation.


Mr. Malich has been involved in thousands of worker’s compensation cases in that time which has helped claimants receive compensation for their work-related injuries.


Mr. Malich worked for the Bureau of Worker’s Compensation in the mid 1990s.


Through his experience of working with the Bureau of Worker’s Compensation and his private practice of representing clients inworker’s compensation, Mr. Malich has experience to assist in achieving a maximum settlement/benefits.


Some of these include, but are not limited to, the following situations: Deaths in the workplace, heart attacks that resulted in workplace fatalities, slip and fall at work repetitive motion injuries.

He has helped people in the healthcare industry,

Meeting with a Lawyer
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Please go to our joint website for further information:

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