Mike's Case

Helping a Veteran and Protecting 2nd Amendment
Mike's Story
In the 1980’s Mike was in the United States Navy and stationed in Florida. Mike was a decorated serviceman. Mike was involved with the Navy Search and Rescue. Mike had participated in the recovery effort of the Challenger Space Shuttle crash in 1986. Mike received an award for his efforts on the shuttle disaster.
While in Florida, Mike was married while he was in the Navy. Upon returning early one day, Mike caught his wife with another man at his home. Mike engaged in a fight and was charged. Mike believed that the charges would be expunged.
Mike would be Honorably Discharged from the Navy and would eventually return to Pennsylvania. Upon returning to Pennsylvania, Mike would enter a career as a State Correctional Officer. Mike was armed as prison guard. He also participated in prisoner transfers with high risk prisoners. Mike also trained other guards on the use of firearms while working for the prison. Mike finished his career with the state correctional institute and retired. Upon his retirement, Mike wanted to engage in other activities. Along with his new wife, Mike decided to purchase a firearm and was going to do some target practice.
Mike went to the local sporting goods store and attempted to purchase a firearm. However, Mike was denied the right to purchase a firearm even though the state had armed him while he was a prison guard.
Despite Mike's decorated military career and experience as a corrections officer, Mike received felony gun violation charges because of his prior conviction of assault while he was in the military.
Attorney Freeman aggressively fought the cases and presented Mike's testimony. The result was a dismissal of all charges. No felony record!